Saturday, September 19, 2009

So Exciting!!

Josiah was so excited. Kept jumping up and down and could hardly tell me what was so great. "Mommy, guess what? (up and down) I did it, I did it. (up and down) I finded the scissors. (up and down) I used the scissors. (up and down) I cut my hair. (up and down) Now I just like Daddy."

I had to get out the clippers because he had cut huge clumps of hair here, there, and everywhere. Now his hair really is like Daddy's...not much there!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

And we're off....

Today we dropped Avery off at school, went and got my haircut, went to Half Price books and Ross for some birthday shopping, went and picked Avery up from school, showered while cooking lunch, dressed and are ready to go to Avery's Open House. When we're done at Thompson we will go pick Walter up and I he and the kids will drop me off at the doctor. He will grab a quick supper for the kids, pick me up, and we'll take Avery to her first soccer practice. After soccer, we will drop the kids off at the church for KPNO (Kid Parent Night Out), we'll go grab some supper for ourselves, and meet our sunday school class at Hermann park for food, fun, and free mosquito bites. Whew, I'm tired just typing about it!!!!

Gotta go...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bird Update

Lots of rain has coincided with Josiah's bird fear abating. Why? His umbrella. It is like a protective shield, hiding him from the bird. So now, with the rainboots he has insisted on wearing daily for months, we have to carry his umbrella with us everywhere...rain or shine.
So if your toddler ever has an irrational fear of birds, go and buy an umbrella for protection!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another First

Today Avery woke up and said, "I'm not going to school today." She apparently had a bad day yesterday, mostly because she was exhausted. You know it's bad when she comes home and takes a two hour nap!
Why was she so tired? On Monday we took the kids for a surprise visit to Sea World. At the Believe show the orcas were having a bad day. They did about 2/3s of the show and then refused to come back into the stadium and perform. Someone later said they had to cancel all subsequent shows due to their lack of cooperation! We had a great time, and all came home tired.

Tonight is Avery's first night for Children's choir and AWANAs. I'm washing her AWANAs vest and am hoping she has a great time again this year!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

This is a busy week for us.

On Monday, Walter tried out our membership to the YMCA with an hour-long workout. The kiddos get to stay downstair and play while we trek up the stairs and work, work, work.

Today was Avery's six year check-up. She was scared that she was going to get a shot. They gave her a nasal spray Flu vaccine, so she calmed down! She is going to see the Pediatric Opthamologist for a full eye exam. She is also going to have an OT follow-up, to make sure she is on track. She is heathly and growing faster than I can keep up with. I'm pretty sure she was 42" at her 5 year check-up and today she is 48". Girlfriend is tall!!

Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday, she is a very special lady! Avery wants to go to her house to have cake, I told her we could make brownies instead =). I also have a dr. appt for routine blood pressure monitoring. I somehow missed my appointment last Monday in all of the back-to-school excitement!! Tomorrow evening is AWANA/Children's Choir kick-off at church. Avery did such a great job in AWANAs last year, and is excited to be going back. She has always loved choir. After two years with Ms. Jennifer, she is kind of sad to be going to a new class. I'm sure it will be fine though, she seems to adapt very well!!!

Thursday the only thing going on is Walter's Bible Study.

Friday is when Avery gets out of school early. We will have to grab a quick lunch and then head over to the dental school. She has an appointment with Walter for a cleaning and a filling. Once that is done her 'case' will be closed and he gets all of his credits for working with her. That night we are planning to go back to the Y.

On Saturday, Walter is going to take the kids swimming at the Y. We have to buy some fencing at Lowe's because Oreo has become an escape artist. I guess we will be working on that for a while and then relax!