Sunday, October 5, 2008

Almost there

Okay, so learning the Pledge to the U.S. flag and memorizing John 3:16 on the same day isn't the best idea. It comes out something like this:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have Liberty and Justice for all."
(Almost there baby girl, almost there!)

I'm an AWANA volunteer this year. It is so amazing that these teeny, tiny five-year-olds can memorize so many verses. It is so sweet to hear their precious little voices saying Bible verses!!! Now I understand why parents, whose kids are long grown, are still volunteering. It is an awesome responsibility to teach our children to love God and to hide his Words in our hearts...I'm really glad I volunteered!!!

Homeschooling is going really well. We are having so much fun that it barely seems like learning!!! There have been many times already where late in the afternoon Avery asks when we're having school today. I tell we have done school already. When she doesn't believe me I point out things like we made truffles (physical science/fine motor skills/math). We sorted beads (pre-math). We read some books and you sounded out some of the words (reading/litereature).

I started working on the kids Fall Festival outfits. The patterns have been cut out for over a month, but I'm just getting around to the actual sewing! Josiah is going to be the most adorable little clown ever. I need to add a few details to his suit and make the hat, and then start on Avery's costume. She picked up a flowery/fairy costume pattern to make, we're just omitting the wings so she can be a flower! If I get the costumes made in time, I'm going to take the kids to ZOO BOO. I got an e-mail about the activities the Zoo is having this year and it looks like they would have a lot of fun.